333 S 13th St
Lincoln, NE 68508
Family Law for the
Non-Family Law Attorney
Adam R. Little &
Corey J. Wasserburger
Date: Thursday, February 13, 2020
Lunch Session: 12:00 pm
Evening Session: 5:30 pm
Location: Cornhusker Marriott Hotel – Renaissance Room
Lunch/Noon Session MCLE #: 190316
Dinner (5:30) Session MCLE #: 190323
CLE Credit: Expected One (1) hour of CLE Credit
RSVP Deadline: February 6, 2020
You must RSVP by February 6, 2020. When completing the form below, all fields are required including whether you will be attending the Lunch or Evening Session. You can select “not applicable” if appropriate.
If you have a problem completing the RSVP form you can send an email to rsvp@lincolnbarassociation.com with all relevant information including what session (lunch or evening) you will be attending, whether you will eating and whether you request a vegetarian meal. Please do not complete the website Contact form with your RSVP.
Lunch Session
- Presentation: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm (Plated lunch served during the Presentation)
Evening Session
- Cash Bar Opens: 5:00 pm
- Presentation: 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
- Buffet Dinner: 6:30 pm (or immediately following Presentation)
Presentation Description
Family law is one of the largest classifications of civil cases in Lancaster and surrounding counties. This program is designed to provide the basics of family law for the non-family law practitioner. Attendees will learn modern approaches to classification and division of the marital estate, recent developments in spousal support, emerging trends in child custody and parenting time, and a look at the newly updated child support calculator. There will be an opportunity for a brief Q&A at each session.
The MCLE Activity # for these Clinic are:
Lunch/Noon (12:00) Session MCLE #: 190316
Dinner (5:30) Session MCLE #: 190323
Make sure to enter the correct MCLE number when claiming credit for attending.
Associated Documents
Presentation: Will be posted if and when available
CLE Certificates of Attendance:
CLE Certificate of Attendance Lunch (12:00) Session – February 13, 2020
CLE Certificate of Attendance Evening (5:30) Session – February 13, 2020
Additional Information
All Clinics and meals are included in your dues.
The Lincoln Bar Association (LBA) will not be reporting your attendance to the Nebraska MCLE Commission / Nebraska Supreme Court Attorney Services Division unless you are current LBA member or pay your membership dues within fifteen (15) days after the Clinic. You are still required to report your attendance with the Commission on its website: https://mcle.wcc.ne.gov/ext/.
The Lincoln Bar Association (LBA) is an accredited CLE sponsor in the State of Nebraska.