Lincoln Bar Association (LBA) Field Day 2020

Field Day 2020

October 12, 2020 @ 1:00 pm
Holmes Golf Course
3701 S. 70th St. Lincoln
NE 68506


Lincoln Bar Association (LBA) Field Day- October 12, 2020This Lincoln Bar Association’s (LBA) annual Field Day will be held at Holmes Golf Course on Monday, October 12, 2020 (Columbus Day). Golf will start at 1:00 pm with a shotgun start. As in past years, the format is a Scramble. You do not need to be an LBA member to play.


Nitro Burger Food Truck will be available & serving free food beginning at 5:00 pm. You do not need to play in the golf tournament to eat.

Cost per golfer is $40.00. This includes 18 holes of golf, a cart, and one bucket of balls for the driving range.

We have been working closely with Holmes Lake to ensure this event will be run safely in light of COVID-19 restrictions and precautions. To ensure a safe event, we will not be doing a formal awards ceremony as in years past. Golfers and non-golfers alike will have the option to enjoy a socially-distanced meal and a cocktail if they so choose.


You can register:

(1) Downloading and emailing a LBA Field Day 2020 Registration Form to Seth Morris at; or

(2) Completing the online form below;

[erforms id=”3670″]
Please select only one registration method.


You can either pay via check or PayPal (immediately below).

Golfer’s First and Last Name:

Please issue the check payable to the Lincoln Bar Association. Please do not include your 2020-2021 membership dues with your Field Day payment.

If you have questions about Field Day 2020, please contact Seth Morris at 402-948-0420 or


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